South African retail has undergone profound transformation over the past few years, with digital platforms and ecommerce reshaping consumer expectations.
And what percentage of your day do your spend strategically? What balance would take you to the next level?
Too often entrepreneurs suffer from ailments of drinking too much of their own marketing kool-aid.
The capabilities a digital platform develops through strategy and commitment will determine its success or failure.
CEOs make a lot more money, have a lot more autonomy and enjoy a lot more control, than the people working for them. The danger is that they can develop incredible blind spots.
Now, more than ever, we need to be listening for market signals and ensuring that our businesses are primed to both take advantage of opportunities and to mitigate risks.
Find a potential customer.
In traditional strategic thinking, beating the competition, by finding an attractive position in an attractive industry, is the name of the game.
Ecommerce thought leaders share advice on choosing the right business model for your ecommerce business.
There are success stories out there of brick and mortar stores reinventing themselves by going online.