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Convert more website browsers to buyers

by Warrick Kernes: CEO at Insaka eCommerce Academy.
Online sales is always a hot topic for ecommerce sellers.

And it should be because that’s why most of us venture into online selling – to make more income, achieve more freedom, and do more of the things we love.

But after 15 years of ecommerce experience and the privilege of helping thousands of South African online sellers to start, grow and scale their own online stores through the Insaka eCommerce Academy, it’s become apparent that getting more sales is a massive challenge.

And after much consideration, I’ve narrowed it down to one major mistake – fortunately this is easy to rectify.

Which is exactly what I’ll be uncovering in this article to help you see more success with your online business.

So in short, this article will cover:
  • The #1 sales reducing mistake online sellers make with their online store
  • How to increase sales without spending more on marketing and traffic
  • 3 strategies to convert more website browsers to buyers
Let’s get into it!

The #1 sales reducing mistake online sellers make with their online store

A major struggle ecommerce sellers face is low online sales.

This is because no matter how much time, effort and money they throw at getting more traffic to their website, the vast majority of browsers seem to leave without buying.

This can be disheartening especially if more and more money is spent on marketing without seeing any return on investment.

Therefore, the mistake that most online sellers make is thinking that more traffic equals more sales.

This is not the case, especially if the website hasn’t been fully optimised to convert these browsers into actual paying customers.

In fact, directing traffic to an unoptimised website can be likened to filling a leaky bucket with huge gaping holes at the bottom.

No matter how much water you pour in, the bucket will never reach full capacity.

Fortunately, the solution is simple. You need to fix the holes if you want to fill the bucket.

The same goes for an online store. You need to optimise your website before you can expect to increase your sales.

And you achieve this by focusing on Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

How to increase sales without spending more on marketing and traffic

Despite being one of the most crucial areas in ecommerce, CRO is often ignored.

As a result, online sellers battle to:
  1. get more paying customers,
  2. grow their online sales,
  3. and increase their profits.
But when done right, improving CRO allows online sellers to gain more sales from the same amount of people that are visiting their site i.e. they’re no longer losing customers as a result of all the “holes” on their website.

This is because the website has now been optimised to get more people to make a purchase. All by implementing strategic improvements and tweaks that encourage visitors to spend more while browsing.

This then ensures that you’re not wasting your money on marketing and paid advertising because the “holes” on the website have been fixed. Which means you’re now able to earn more from the same number of people browsing your website.

But let’s illustrate this practically...

Let’s say you get 1000 visitors to your website and your conversion rate is 1%.

That means for every 1000 browsers that hit your site, 10 of them actually buy. That’s 10 sales in the bag, not bad!

But let’s say you improve your conversion rate and you get it up to 2%.

Now you’ve still got 1000 visitors but you end up with 20 people buying from your site. That’s double the number of sales from the same traffic!

Plus, you didn’t need to spend a dime more on expensive ads or extra marketing.

Strategies to convert more website browsers to buyers

After successfully selling online for well over a decade, I can honestly say that focusing on CRO is well worth the effort. Especially because the work you put in today allows you to reap sales long into the future.

In fact, after many lessons learned, tons of mistakes and heaps of trial and error, it was CRO that allowed me to grow and scale my ecommerce business to doing over R100 million in revenue.

And the strategies that made these results possible are exactly what I’ll be sharing in my free upcoming masterclass, The 3 Best Strategies to Convert More Website Browsers to Buyers.

In it, I reveal the essential hacks that every online store owner needs to know to:
  1. improve their conversion rate, and
  2. increase their sales.
But please note that I only host this training once a year.

If you miss it, unfortunately, there won’t be a replay and you’ll have to wait till next year before we offer this free training again.

Additionally, I know your time is incredibly valuable which is why I’m bringing my “A” game to help you increase your conversions, enhance your performance and grow your online sales.

If you’d like to learn more, click here to register and get a full breakdown of everything that will be covered in the live masterclass.
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