Sourcing from China just got cheaper

by Warrick Kernes: CEO at Insaka eCommerce Academy.
Do you wish there was a CHEAPER way to get your goods from China?

Introducing Airpool, a new international delivery service that will make sourcing from China a breeze compared to what it’s been in the past.

Not only will you get your parcels quicker but you’ll also get them cheaper!

This is because Airpool enables you to buy all your goods from various suppliers in China and have the products delivered as a consolidated shipment to South Africa.

This is great news for us because ordinarily we would have to ship our packages individually whereby each package’s shipping cost would be calculated separately.

But with Airpool, this can now be consolidated which means that the shipping fee is calculated on the bulk order which works out more cost-effective for you.

So if you want to save more time and money so you can focus your attention on growing your business, then register to be a part of Airpool’s first shipment when they go live.

And if you’re eager to learn more about this awesome new service, then be sure to tune in to this week’s podcast where I chat to the founder of Airpool, Brad Sheer about everything you need to know to get started.

Useful resources:
Insaka eCommerce Academy
Insaka is committed to helping entrepreneurs to start and grow their own online businesses.
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