The best ideas come whilst you’re DOING, not thinking

by Alan Knott-Craig: Successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, chairman of HeroTel, a wireless broadband provider, and founder of Project Isizwe.
Some people think that thinking leads to creativity.

This is the introspection illusion.

It is the mistaken notion that contemplation by itself leads to ideas.

These folks are wrong.

The best ideas come whilst you’re DOING, not whilst you’re thinking.

No amount of MBA programmes, books and conversations can substitute for the power of action.

The power of actually doing it yourself.

When it comes to finding ideas, thoughts are like a torch.

Action is like a floodlight.

Useful resources:
The Big Almanack
Alan Knott-Craig is a highly successful entrepreneur and best selling author. He is based in South Africa and passionate about starting businesses in the telecoms, media and tech sector.
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